(This course is intended to provide the advanced user or would-be user with a scientific understanding of the information conveyed in the classic AE features, along with insights and tools that will help to use them more effectively)

During first 2 days topics to be covered

- Wave propagation

- Advanced AE Topics

Next 3 Days topics to be covered

- Signal Features: Their Inter-Relationships and Dependence on Source Mechanism and Other Factors

- Classification of AE Signals and Sources Using NOESIS Pattern Recognition Software.

Duration: Up to 5 Days

Dates*: To be announced

Cost**: To be announced

Location: Mistras Hellas offices, Athens, Greece

* Dates might change depending on participation

** Taxes not included in price.


(This course is for engineers who have little (or no) experience in AE)

Topics to be covered

• Principles of Acoustic Emission Testing

• Detection of Acoustic Emission

• Instrumentation and Signal Processing

• Acoustic Emission Test Procedures

• Applications of Acoustic Emission Testing

• Hands-on training is included and the examination follows the classroom instruction.

Duration: 5 Days (40 Hours)

Dates*: To be announced

Cost**: To be announced

Location: Mistras Hellas offices, Athens, Greece

* Dates might change depending on participation

** Taxes not included in price.

A General (written) Examination is offered to all candidates who complete the designated 40 hours of classroom instruction. Documentation of course completion and examination results are provided.

Note: Success in this General Examination is an important qualification towards Level I certification. Certification per SNT-TC-1A is done by the employer who has a Written Practice developed for this purpose. Level I certification normally requires documented on-the-job experience as well as adequate training hours and general, specific and practical examinations.

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