Επιτραπέζιοι Αναλυτές XRD - OLYMPUS BTX
O αναλυτής OLYMPUS BTX ΙΙ παρέχει συνδυασμό τόσο XRD όσο και XRF ανάλυσης. Εχει σχεδιαστεί με γνώμονα την ευκολία στην χρήση του ώστε να μπορεί να χρησιμοποιείται τόσο για ερευνητικούς όσο και για εκπαιδευτικούς σκοπούς.
Παρά το μικρό του όγκο, διαθέτει προηγμένα χαρακτηριστικά και μπορεί να καλύψει πλήθος εφαρμογών με σημαντικό πλεονέκτημα σε σχέση με τον ανταγωνισμό το μικρό του κόστος.
- Rapidly ID counterfeit pharmaceuticals
- Fast, non-destructive fingerprinting of drug formulations & precursors
- Test for presence and quantity of active and inactive, foreign or substitute ingredients
- Fast XRD screening ensures patient safety and safeguards legitimate pharmaceutical manufacturers' branding
- Quickly & easily check feed & fertilizer formulations and metal content
- Ensure labeled ingredients match actual content
- Quantify amending (active) ingredients, inert ingredients and forms (compounds)
- Confirm gypsum & lime content
- Minimize financial penalties by assuring manufacturer & regulatory tests are within investigational allowance
- Rapidly ID dangerous hazardous materials for local & global security
- Identify explosives, fusing materials & accelerants
- ID & quantify suspected hazardous materials: azide's PETN, black powder's KClO3, KClO4 & KNO3, flash powder's KClO3 & cascandite
Mining & Ores
- Iron Ore - Quickly analyze iron rich ore with Xpowder's Reference Intenstiy Ratios to automatically generate quantitative compositions of the samples even when certain phases are completely absent - quartz, hematite, goethite, magnetite & more
- Calcite in Coal - Quantify calcite (CaCO3), a mineral identified as reducing the efficiency of the raw material fuel in a coal-fired plant, to improve efficiency and reduce carbon emissions
- Potash - Analyze potash for phase identification and semiquantitative analysis of identified minerals such as sylvite, halite, langbenite and leonite. For further refinement, Sietronics Siroquant is available
- Limestone & Cement - Easily perform quantitative analysis of common minerals associated with limestone - alpha-quartz, asbestos minerals, calcite, dolomite and more. In cases where the quarry contains various levels of dolomite, the BTX II quickly determines this mineral in the range of 0.50 to 9.0% with an error of only 0.02%.
- Mudlogging - Perform mineral ID and quantification on shale cuttings for rapid feedback at drilling sites - simplify "chasing the vein" of a given mineral strata
- Pipelines - BTX II Smart Sense allows optimum peak-to-background performance to identify and quantify corrosion materials on pipelines; simultaneous XRF measurements give rapid identification of elemental constituents
Ελ. Βενιζέλου 7 & Δελφών, 14452 Μεταμόρφωση, Αθήνα, Ελλάδα |
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