Επιτραπέζιοι Αναλυτές XRF - OLYMPUS Xpert


Η σειρά αναλυτών XRF OLYMPUS Xpert είναι σχεδιασμένη να λειτουργεί όχι μόνο στο αυστηρό περιβάλλον ενός εργαστηρίου αναλύσεων αλλά και σε χώρους επίδειξης ή πώλησης καταναλωτικών προϊόντων. Διαθέτουν κομψό σχεδιασμό και ενσωματώνουν την τεχνολογία και τις επιδώσεις των αναλυτών XRF που συναντάμε σε εξειδικευμένα εργαστήρια αναλύσεων. Επίσης μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν ως φορητοί λόγο της μπαταρίας που εξασφαλίζει αδιάκοπη λειτουργία και του χαμηλού τους βάρους.

  Xpert SeriesPDF
 GoldXpert GoldXpert

The GoldXpert offers the best of both worlds. A handsome countertop analyzer fit for the consumer showroom environment, it can also be networked for high productivity QA/QC jobs. The large chamber door opens quickly with a push of the large front trigger. The GoldXpert can also function as a portable analyzer when powered by a rechargeable Liion battery pack. Compact and lightweight, and weighing in at only 22 lb (10 kg), the GoldXpert can be transported easily to any location where testing is needed.

 Xpert for Consumer/RoHS xpert child toyThe Xpert for Consumer/RoHS, a convenient, compact & lightweight XRF analyzer for regulatory compliance programs, provides accurate Pass/Fail results within seconds. It is completely independent of an external PC and can be powered by battery for ease of transport to wherever testing is needed. 



Dimensions267 mm x 310 mm x 340 mm (10.5 in. x 12.5 in. 13.4 in.) (with door closed)
Weight10 kg (22 lbs)
Power RequirementsProvided with 100 VAC to 240 VAC, 50 Hz to 60 Hz, 70 watts power supply
Excitation Source4 W, 40 kV, 200 µA (max.) X-ray tube 
Anode: Au or Ta
DetectorSi PiN Detector or Si Drift Detector
Environmental Temp Range-10 °C to 50 °C (14 °F to 122 °F)
Camera and CollimatorIntegrated with measurement geometry; small-spot collimator; selectable diameter sizes (3 mm or 10 mm) 
PowerAC power adaptor or rechargeable Li-ion battery
Data Display55 x 73 mm (2.2 x 2.9 in.) Color LCD touch screen 
Resolution: 720 x 320
Element Suite

Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ir, Pt, Au, Rh, Ru, Pb, Bi, Zr, Pd, Ag, Sn, Sb, Cd, In, Ga, Ge, and W. (Plus Os for SDD)



Dimensions267 mm x 310 mm x 340 mm (10.5 in. x 12.5 in. 13.4 in.) (with door closed)
Weight10 kg (22 lbs)
Power RequirementsProvided with 100 VAC to 240 VAC, 50 Hz to 60 Hz, 70 watts power supply
Excitation Source4 W, 40 kV, 200 µA (max.) X-ray tube 
Anode: Au or Ta
DetectorSi Drift Detector
Environmental Temp Range-10 °C to 50 °C (14 °F to 122 °F)
Camera and CollimatorIntegrated with measurement geometry; small-spot collimator; selectable diameter sizes (3 mm or 10 mm) 
PowerAC power adaptor or rechargeable Li-ion battery
Data Display55 x 73 mm (2.2 x 2.9 in.) Color LCD touch screen 
Resolution: 720 x 320
Element SuitePb, Cr, Hg, Br, Cd, Cl, Tl, Fe,Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Bi, Se, Sn, Sb, Ba
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