Probes for Tube Inspection Olympus Logo

Probes for tube inspection are lightweight but solidly constructed eddy current, remote field, magnetic flux leakage, and IRIS ultrasound. These probes are used for ferromagnetic or non-ferromagnetic tube inspection applications.

Eddy Current Bobbin Probes

The eddy current bobbin probes are lightweight, economical, but solidly built probes with the coils protected with a plastic sleeve and stainless steel wear guides at front and rear ends. They are ideal for the inspection of heaters, coolers, and heat exchangers.


Eddy Current Air Conditioner Probes

The eddy current air conditioner probes offer solid construction for durability. They include a differential bobbin set and a circumferentially sensitive pancake array.


Eddy Current Titanium Probes

The eddy current titanium probes offer ultimate durability with titanium protective cover for the coils and stainless steel wear guides at front and rear ends. They are ideal for heaters, coolers, and heat exchangers.


Eddy Current High-resolution Probes

The eddy current high-resolution probes are lightweight, but solidly built probes with the coils protected with a plastic sleeve and stainless steel wear guides at front and rear ends. Their narrow coils make them ideal for thin tubing inspection such as titanium tubing.


Eddy Current Flexible Bullet Probes

The eddy current flexible probes offer solid stainless steel construction for durability and titanium protective cover for the coils. They are designed to inspect tight U-bend (as low as 50 mm curvature radius).


Eddy Current CARTER Super Magnetic Bias Probe

CARTER super magnetic bias probes offer an ultradurable construction with hardened steel wear surface for a long life in harsh environments. These probes are designed to suppress permeability noise in mildly ferritic material such as Monel, 3RE60, SEA‑CURE, and 400-series stainless.


Eddy Current Airgun Probes

The eddy current Airgun probes are extremely lightweight. It is designed to work with the MPP04-01 Airgun probe pusher-puller. It features a grooved design to reduce pushing force in tube end and to improve durability. It is ideal for steam condensers, coolers, and heat exchangers.


Eddy Current Array Tube Probe

The new TXE probe series is the best at detecting circumferential cracks, particularly those located at the edge of supports or tube sheets. The output display is an intuitive C-scan image, and in addition, the probe can be used to scan the whole length of the tube at very high speeds.


Remote Field Probes

The remote field probes include a 32 dB preamplifier. These probes feature improved wear resistance and thicker casing as well as improved differential response and SNR ratios. These probes are designed to detect irregularities such as pitting, corrosion, and erosion in ferromagnetic tubing. These probes are available in single exciter, dual pickups, and dual exciter designs.


Near Field Probes

The near-field probes offer excellent detection of internal corrosion, erosion, and axial cracking and return high-quality, amplitude-based signals that enable fast and simple data analysis. There is no need for a reference probe or extension. These probes are ideal for fin-fan carbon steel tube inspection.


Magnetic Flux Leakage Probes

The magnetic flux leakage probes offer a superior high-saturation optimized magnetic design. Changeable wear rings improve wear resistance. These probes are ideal for air-cooler tubing inspection (with aluminum fins) and for circumferential crack detection.


IRIS Probes

The internal rotary inspection system (IRIS) probes are well suited for petrochemical and balance-of-plant (BOP) tube inspections. They use an ultrasonic beam to scan the internal surface of the tube in helicoidal patterns, ensuring that the full length of the tube is tested. The IRIS probes operate in pulse-echo mode to measure wall thickness, material loss, and defect orientation within the range of 0.5 in. to 3 in. ID.


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