Physical Acoustics’ sensors are built to "listen" to high frequency signals. Much like a highly-sensitive “ear,” Acoustic Emission sensors interpret the material’s “voice” into usable AE waveforms. Additionally, AE sensors help understand how materials behave in their natural setting.

AE sensors are a vital link in determining how to apply remedial solutions and repairs to resolve structural issues. AE sensors are used to test storage tanks, heat exchangers, piping, reactors, aerial lift devices, as well as gas, petro-chemical and nuclear power plants.

Physical Acoustics’ sensors can be built with specific features to meet project or application specific needs.

Sub Categories of Sensors

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Flat Frequency Response

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General PurposeProduct Photo

High Temperature

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Integral PreampProduct Photo
Intrinsically SafeProduct Photo

Low Frequency

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Medium FrequencyProduct Photo
MiniatureProduct Photo
RollingProduct Photo
Shear WaveProduct Photo
UndergroundProduct Photo
Very Low NoiseLN15I - 80-200 kHz Very Low Noise AE Sensor


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Preamplifiers recognize the extremely low amplitude AE signal produced from AE sensors, and convert the signals into amplified and usable forms. As applications and testing conditions vary, project needs may change as well. Physical Acoustics offers an entire line of preamplifiers for a variety of testing requirements. Operating in conjunction with our specialized AE software, preamplifiers also moderate signal size during the data collection process, helping to produce accurate results.

Sub Categories of Preamplifiers

Voltage Preamplifiers

0/2/4 - Switch Selectable Gain Single Ended and Differential Preamplifier

In-line Preamplifiers - Small Form Factor

IL-LP – In-Line Low-Power Preamplifier

Intrinsically Safe Preamplifiers & Barriers

1281 – IS Barrier / Preamplifer Interface

Line Drivers


Low Power Preamplifiers

IL-LP – In-Line Low-Power Preamplifier

Charge Amplifiers

1222LF – Low-Frequency Charge Preamplifier
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